VAD32 front end modified for PCBoard * THIS IS ASSUMED you currently have a working NETFOSS/NET2BBS telnet server installed/setup and running. ====================================== INSTALLATION SETUPS: 1) Intall virtual advance bbs (use default directories of c:\VA ) 2) install VADV32 front end: (use default directories of c:\VA ) 3) run c:\va\Vconfig.exe * goto Events Configuration: and delete all entries (this is done to stop any background mainatance of VA bbs as we don't use it anyway) 4) makes sure your current net2bbs telnet setup netfoss is at c:\netfoss (particulily nf.bat, and netcom.exe) I use v1.10 and it works fine v1.11 seems bugy 4a) edit c:\netfoss\nf.bat and make sure line 2 says: c:\netfoss\ %1 5) edit c:\va\loadbbs.bat and just delete what ever is in it and use these following four lines echo off D: cd\pcboard\node%1 c:\netfoss\nf.bat /n%1 /h%2 d:\pcboard\node%1\nodenf.bat %1 * Basically %1 is the node number and %2 is the fossil port * d:\pcboard\node is where I have my PCB installed USE YOUR OWN pcb installation directory!! * nodenf.bat is the batch filename that I use to start the PCB node. use the filename you have configured with net2bbs.ini from your existing Net2BBS setup (I think default is node.bat) 6) CONFIGURING VADV32 * These setting are mainly to disable unnecesaary process that are used for VA BBS since we are not using it. a) close net2bbs if it is running. and run VADV32 b) from VADV32 goto Setting -> VADV32 Configuration General: set your node options Node: uncheck - Internal NOde Handling uncheck - enable uncheck - enable Logoff.bat FIX everything else is checked Options: uncheck - perform message tossing uncheck - execute VADV events Maintance: uncheck - Perform Daily Maintenance c) The rest of the options you set to your liking 7) Save setting and restart VADV32. It should be able to take incomming telnet connection and spawn PCB Nodes ====================================== BUGS and ISSUES: - bottom node status view doesn't work, doesn't update status (though u can still pull up node windows options by right clicking it and the options works) - right side stats doesn't work, not surprising as they pull Virtual Advance BBS status instead of PCB bbs status - Not really a bug but, if you don't close all the node when you exit VADV32. and when u try to start VADV32 it won't startup until all the nodes are closed. - Most of the stats and caller info display doesn't work/update as they are tied to Virtal Advance BBS software. ======================================= HOW IS VADV32 COMPARED TO NET2BBS? * this is Based on my own system running netfoss v1.10, Win7 VM and PCB 15.3 - In general the speed is the same, should be as Net2BBS and VADV32 both use netfoss - some UPLOAD BUGS are gone now :) such as filenames that have a mix of upper and lower case letters. or have long file names inside zip files. they sometimes abort upload. with VADV32 it uploads fine. - UPloading files show propers stats/speed/progress now. - more feature rich in how it handle all the node windows and logging and stats. - MUCH MUCH MORE reliable connection and no drop connections on user using mobile broadband/smartphones to connect. (at least from initial testing) - MUCH better IP and port scanner blocking