Is registration free?
- Yes, registration is free.

How do I register to the site?
- By clicking on the 'Join us' link anywhere on the site, it will bring you to the registration page.

How to view an album
- First, there are two ways you can view an album. One way is to use the 'Browse' feature; The other is to use the 'Search' feature.

Viewing MTV files
- Make sure you have Windows Media Player installed on your computer first.

Viewing Video Files
- Most of our Music Video files are from the youTube site. You will need to have the flash player installed if you want to view a video.

MIDI Files
- To download our MIDI files, you can right click on the link and choose the 'SAVE AS' option to save. To listen - just click on the link by browsing to your favorite artist and then click on the 'MIDI Collection' link.